Tuesday, July 7, 2009

2009-2010 School Year

I know it is a bit early to be thinking about school. It seems like we just finished but I guess I am ready to get going! The first day of school is Thursday, August 13th and I am really excited to meet my class. This year is going to be great! Hope to see you all soon!

Mrs. Burrell

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Valentine Party

We will be having a Valentine's Day party on Friday, February 13th. You child needs a box (decorated at home) to put their valentines in and 20 valentines for their classmates. We would like to make treat bags again so please send a bag of candy by Wednesday, February 11th, so we can put the bags together before the party! If you have any questions let me know.


We are running out of some of our supplies. If you are able to send wipes (preferably disinfecting), glue sticks, and dry-erase markers (skinny ones). Thanks for any help you can give.

Friday, December 5, 2008

We had such a fun week this week. I really enjoyed all of the activities we got to do and all the input your students gave me. They helped me come up with a couple of the activities we did this week. You all have some smart kiddos! Thank you for all you do and all of your support. Hope you have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The field trip was great today! A special thanks to Sara, Jen, and Matt for helping on the field trip. I think the kids had a blast and hopefully learned something too. Some of the things that I learned are: Little Ceasars first open in May of 1959, broccoli is good for your brain, apples are good for your heart, and the whole class can fit into the fridge at Burger King! Ask your students what they enjoyed about the field trip.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yeah! Thank you parents! Every parent attended a conference this week to show their children that education is important. Thank you for all of your support and hard work with you children. We all have been working hard and deserve thanks and congratulations for all that has been accomplished with your students so far. Keep up all the hard work. Let me know if there is anything you need!

Mrs. Burrell
Here is the permission slip for the field trip. There is a copy in your child's backpack today but if it gets lost you can print this one and send it in. Please return the permission slips as soon as possible!
Kindergarten Field Trip

The kindergarten classes will be going on a field trip Wednesday, November 19th to Albertson’s, Burger King, and Little Caesars. All kindergarten classes will be going together. Please have your student to school by 9:00 am. We will return to the school at 11:30 am. If your child is in the morning kindergarten class, please pick them up on time. We need two or three parents from each class to assist on the field trip. If you are able to volunteer for the field trip, please let your student’s teacher know by marking the space on the permission slip. Volunteers will need to meet us at the stores due to limited space on the busses. Please fill out the permission slip and return it to your student’s teacher by Tuesday, November 18th. Thank you for your prompt response.

*Kindergarten Teachers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -fill out and detach here- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I give permission for my child, ____________________________, to participate in the kindergarten field trip on Wednesday, November 19th to Albertson’s, Burger King, and Little Caesars. I also give my child permission to ride the bus to and from the field trip.

__________________________ __________________
Parent Signature Date

_________ I would like to volunteer to help with this field trip. My phone number is: ___________________________.